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Word is in from Washington FDC, the Archconservative Party has officially nominated Seattle business magnate Kenneth Brackhaven for UCAS president. Kenneth is the son of Charles Brackhaven, the founder of Brackhaven Investments, a local Seattle investment and brokerage firm, and after daddy died, little Kenny took over. He's got a first class education, more money than God and Ghost combined and he's got the Republicans in a tizzy because they think he'll swipe a ton of the vote from them. It's also a well known fact that his uncle Karl Brackhaven is the chairman of, and public voice of, the Seattle branch of the Humanis Policlub. Now, there's no evidence that Brackhaven shares the same views, but the Archcons don't exactly lean towards a metahuman rights platform if you follow me. My guess is we're going to see a lot of policlub, action group, and downright terrorist activity here in Rain-City. I mean the fragger lives here, in the city where the Night of Rage started. I'm sure there's work in it for a lot of you, but if you get hired to blow up any buildings, make sure I'm not in them first.
Distressingly, Brackhaven has an excellent chance of winning. He's got the business accumen to convince the country that he's strong on the economy, he donates to a half-million charities (none that directly support metahumans), he funds museum wings all over the country, and let's face facts, the metahuman vote is not that big of a factor. Too many of us are SINless, and those that can vote rarely do because all the candidates are human. Those that can and do vote are forced to vote for the candidate that will hump us the least. Not that I vote. SINless. Maybe I could get a good fake...
It's about time. As a runner, I've worked with a staggering number of metas, more than anyone should ever have to, and I can tell you that the stereotypes exist for a reason. Elves are all liars and they're all conspiring together to take over (it's happen'd before, look at the fraggin' Tirs!), Dwarves are almost all homosexual, and the ones that aren't are child molesters, orcs and trolls are all dummer than a bucket of hair. All the major test results show that orcs score on average fifteen to thirty percent worse than humans, and trolls score even worse. They're brain damaged because of their mutation, but the liberal media won't just come out and say it. They say orcs and trolls get worse schooling because they're ugly, but I went to school with a rich orc (he was adopted by idiotic commie parents) and he still got Ds at best. But they kept passing him 'cause of affirmative action. Fraggin' trogs and bleedin' hearts.
All humans who vote for Brackhaven will die. Brackhaven will die. Sideout will die. You will die if you vote for Brackhaven.
Come and get me troggy, if you can fit getting killed by yours truly into your busy day of buggering your own sister, killing inocent people, and begging the government for handouts.
I hang at Larry's. I'll kill you there. If you can find it you inbred monster-lookin' waste of fraggin bullets.
Take it elsewhere or be dumped gents, this is not the place. We resume discussions about the nomination and potential work in Seattle now. Anyone tossing mindless threats around will get to be the first to try the new worm program I whipped up.
Right, so on the "potential work" front... I am available if anyone is looking to alter the views of Mr. Brackhaven. Radically alter. And I might throw in a piece of drek like Sideout for free.
Please everybody calm down. Do we even know anything about Kenneth Brackhaven's actual views? It seems like many people are jumping to some very rash and extreme conclusions. Also, I understand that many people may not agree with those viewpoints but everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I urge everyone to please have accurate information before taking any drastic actions.
While many of you have stereotyped Mr. Brackhaven based on hearsay and conjecture I can personally attest to him being a very kind and intelligent person who attends Church regularly and has a genuine interest in bettering society. I feel we could do far worse than him as President.
Yes Kenneth Brackhaven has a good heart and loves all those he sees. Problem is all he sees are other rich white humans. Metas are just nasty technicalities not worthy of carrying his golf clubs.
Brother caramel says we've "stereotyped Mr. Brackhaven based on hearsay and conjecture." Well, wake up and smell the soykaf, man! This whole board is nothing but hearsay and conjecture.
It's the people that don't sound like retards (Sideout) or suckups (Brother C) that actually get listened to. Gotta sort out the trash, man. I'll see if I can verify any of this crap. I'll start with the charity angle.
Damn, Cap. You have to start screening this place better.
I got news that the charlie Brackhaven slag is proud papi of a pretty little orc chica somewhere in Redmond. Word is that Kenny thinks trogs is a jinkin of the deck girl, but not so much in public. Hey, I don't blame him. Those tusks are hot.
Your info's humped Quz, but there are persistant rumors that Kenneth was not really "up to snuff" for big daddy Charlie in his youth. Then one day he just turned into Mr. Perfect. Grades went up, renewed interest in the family business. It's weird, like he was a Stepford son or something.
Nice. A decent, successful, white human male can't have a conservative viewpoint without the liberals and the pointy-ears calling him a fraggin' robot. I love the new age of political debate. Since when does normal equal wrong? Since when does not catering to the ridiculous demands of a mutated minority make you evil? All you freaks and ninnys might not like it, but it was white American male humans who put society together, and we're tired of hearing that you want special treatment.
Here's your one warning. Any matrix tomfoollery will be met with the harshest of biofeedback. Keep it civil, and keep it close to English. Deckers might think everone reads HOLOleet, but the fact that the sams, shamans, mages and gunbunnies out there are probably using tortoises means we need things in straight English alfa-numerics. And Transient? I've tagged your datatrail. Watch yourself.
He's not a robot, he just plays one on the Trid. He's an asshole. He comes from a long line of assholes. If he can't figure this out then he's a stupid asshole.
If I were a rich, white human I'd vote for him in a second. Being none of the above I'll dismiss him as the right-wing crank that he is.
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