Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bad Cal-Hots On the Streets: Do Not Die
March 19, 2057

Some roto-cock has smuggled up a bad batch of Cal-Hots. For you non-beetleheads in need of a slang-teacher, Cal-Hots are simsense chips with the sense and emotive tracks spiked juuust into the BTL range. Their addictive and bad for you, but not nearly so much as strait BTLs. They're legal California Free-State, where they're made, but just as taboo as hardcore beetles here in the enlightened UCAS. Smugglers have been running them into the 'plex for years, but recently, folks are just dropping dead.

Consider yourselves warned, shadowtypes. Seems all the geeked chip-heads got their wares from some Yak linked gangs in Redmond, but these things are all over Seattle at this point. If you're going to chip the midrail this weekend, pass up on any Cal-Hots. You might want to check on your street contacts as well.


Anonymous said...

Ouch, a whole shipment of bad beetles? That's got to hurt the Shotozumi gumi's pocketbook something fierce. They're going to lose a lot of customers (and not just the ones that die from the chips) if they don't clean this up quickly.

Anonymous said...

Who would want to frak up the Yakuza's beetle biz? Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up, Cap. Got to one of my ganger contacts just as he was about to chip up.

Anonymous said...

'course, all ya gotta do is rig up a test deck or jack up a dog or used up betty whore. Proverbial canary in the mine!

I never buy my chips from anew source unless they chip in first...

stay safe, looney tunes!