Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Corp. Spotlight: Ares
April 27, 2057

So, it seems the big boys are choosing sides. Damien Knight, head mucky-muck at Ares has publicly thrown his support (and copious wealth) behind the great dragon Dunkelzahn's presidential run.
Now, before you start yammering about skeletons being buried and never dealing with dragons, I thought it might be time to review the "happy family" that is the great UCAS mega. Remember that, for all of his "man in charge" drek, Knight only controls so much of the corp. A fact of which that Aurelius and the other board members have recently started reminding him. Remember, when folks like Aurelius and Knight fight it out, it's scammers and jammers like us that take home cred. Add a powerful, ancient wizwyrm, and a UCAS presidential race into the mix, and someone's going to make a killing. Thus, without further ado, here's the lowdown on the infighting at the corp where they make all the guns.


World HeadquartersDetroit, Michigan (UCAS)
President/CEODamien Knight
Chairman of the BoardLeonard Aurelius
Corporate StatusPublic

Ares Macrotechnology, run by Damien Knight and headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, UCAS, is the seventh largest corporation in the world, the largest in the UCAS, and is the current leader in the defense and aerospace industries. Its five main divisions are AresSpace, Ares Global Entertainment, Ares Arms, Knight Errant Security Services and General Motors.

Ares was founded shortly after the turn of the century by Nicholas Aurelius under the name Ares Industries. Being a major American megacorp, the old United States granted special benefits to Ares. Taking advantage of this and the near-collapse of the country, Aurelius managed to purchase NASA (including all its facilities, vehicles and equipment) from the US in 2016, with the agreement that portions of it would be returned to the country in 2055. Of course, the United States had collapsed by that point.

Around 2030, Leonard Aurelius had control of Ares passed to him by his father.

In 2033, Damien Knight pulled off the Nanosecond Buyout. In about a minute, he managed to acquire 22% of Ares stock. The Board, stunned by the performance, gave him the CEO position.

Ares has a long-standing history of battling Insect Spirits. In 2055, the Ares subsidiary Knight Errant launched multiple attacks on Insect Spirit hives, culminating in the disaster that turned Chicago into Bug City. They were responsible for launching a tactical nuclear weapon at the Cermak Power Plant which wiped out the majority of the bug spirits.

Dramatis Personae

Damien Knight is the President/CEO and Chairman of the Board of Ares Macrotechnology. He is currently the second largest shareholder with about 23.7% of all shares. He has a long-standing rivalry with Leonard Aurelius.

His first public appearance was on the 24 January 2033, as the Nanosecond Buyout made him the biggest shareholder of Ares Macrotechnology. It is rumoured that "Damien Knight" isn't his true name and he has maintained a veil of secrecy about his origins.

He is believed to be (or to have been) a certain Major David Gavilan of the US Air Force.

It is more or less known for sure that he is about sixty-five years old, having undergone through several treatments of Leonization.

A close friend of Dunkelzahn, he recently began supporting the Dragon's candidacy in the UCAS Presidential election.

Leonard Aurelius is the son of Ares Macrotechnology's founder Nicholas Aurelius. He inherited from him a major stake in Ares' capital, and took the position of CEO and Chairman of the Board of the corporation after his father's final retirement in 2030. The board replaced Leonard Aurelius by Damien Knight in 2033, the same year Nicholas Aurelius died. The relations between Leonard Aurelius and Knight were stormy ever since the Knight's takeover. Leonard Aurelius returned to the position of chairman of the board between 2049.


Darksword said...

The Corporate Shadowfiles post had some interesting data suggesting the Big D helped Knight with his nanosecond buyout. Maybe now he's paying back.

Pindleskin said...

You mean this was all planned out?

My gods, that means all of this was set up as far back as the early thirties... If Dunkelzahn was planning to run back then, he probably engineered the fake election and got president Steele booted!

My god. Soon, he'll control Ares and the government.

Larry Regan said...

What are you, stupid? Steele confessed to the supreme court that he knew about the vote tampering in the 2056 elections.
Dunkelzahn didn't have to set Steele up: Steele's a Technocrat, and the Technocrats are just hideously corrupt.
He may have predicted it, but he didn't set it up.

Delerium Tremens said...

Whatever Dunky's got on Knight, you bet your hoop that Aurelius is sharkin' pretty bad to find out about it.

He's been after Knight forever, and now that Knight's daddy on the roof is shakin' a wag at him, Aurelius might go for the kill.

The Colonel said...

What you don't get from this post is the depth of the rivalry here. From the very lowest wage-slave on up, the entire corp is divided into K-Men and A-Men. Not in any official capacity, but the practical truth is that there's a fault-line running through the heart of this corp, and it wouldn't take a whole hell of a lot to split her wide open.

Honestly, I always used to wonder why the K/A rivalry packed so much punch among the plebs...never came up with a real good explanation. I reckon it's just the American Way.

St. George said...

Don't be an idiot Larry. Of course the dragon was behind the whole thing. We're talking about the most dangerous, manipulative, ancient, and evil creatures ever to blight the earth with their footsteps. Rigging an election rates pretty fraggin' low on the scale of crimes these things commit on a regular basis. A dragon president?! Not on my watch! You hear me D, you big fraggin' snake? You rig this election, you better watch your scaly back!

whizcheese said...

Oh yay, a dragon conspiracy nut. Post some evidence of this "evil" if it exists, George.

Reputable news sites only, please.

St. George said...

You poor deluded fool, Whiz. The dragons won't let information like that stick around on the trix. Who do you think OWNS those reputable sites? They'll let theories stick around, sure. Everyone can point at those and say, "Wow, look at that guy. He's so crazy," because they don't want to believe it. The mind rebels at the idea that there could be such a force of destruction in the world. We're not accustomed to thinking like prey, but that is how they think of us. They think of us as we think of monkeys we teach to mimic some sign language. Make no mistake, these dragons know something about magic and where it went, and why it's back. Why won't even a single one of them tell us anything about it? Or about where they were? They are ALL plotting our destruction and only a few of us are plotting theirs.

frodo said...

ARES DAMIAN NIGHT is the CAUSE of the terror in CHICAGO and will be judged by GOD

ask yourself WHERE WERE THE BUGS before ARES sent their hit squads

WHY did they set off a NUCLEAR weapon when they KNEW it would not kill the bugs (they say they did not know but they are LIARS)

WHY does ARES DAMIAN KIGNT support a credit fiatocracy instead of pure GOLD which has VALUE not just 1nes and 0eros

Sideout said...

You guys have got to be farcing me. Damien Knight is as smart as they come, and he's no race traitor. If he's backing the dragon, you can bet he's under some kind of threat.

Maybe the wyrm is threatening to let loose more of his bugs if Knight doesn't capitulate. That's the only reason he'd do it.

whizcheese said...

St. George, you must be afraid of the dark too, huh? Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it exists...usually just the opposite, actually. Lack of evidence is not proof, no matter how badly you nutjobs want it to be.

Also, hate to break it to you, but if dragons wanted to band together and take over the world, they probably could. Problem is they're not interested in banding together. They friggin' hate each other! We don't have to plot their destruction because they're already doing it for us. They don't see us as prey, they see us as pawns, but when they're done with their game, there'll only be one dragon left, and there'll still be billions of us pawns