Thursday, April 13, 2006

There is definitely something up at Fuchi Seattle. Word is that the explosion at the Trine Matrixware (a Fuchi subsidiary) building downtown might have been an inside job. Regional Director Samantha Villiers (and of course high flying Richard's ex-wife), was apparently whisked away to a panic room inside the Fuchi Industrial Electronics Compound, as her personal security feared for her life. From what I'm getting, either the Trine explosion was meant for her, or it was a distraction while someone (or something) went after Samantha herself. I'm getting all kinds of rumors about this, from the Yamanas and the Nakatomis gearing up for a hostile takeover of Fuchi Americas, to Samantha Villiers accidently fragging of a local dragon somehow. Either way, word is that Miles Lanier himself is flying in on the next semi-ballistic, so if you have any runs against Fuchi in the near future, beware. Fuchi's head of security is a dangerous man.

If any of you shadowfolk were in on the hit, sorry you fragged up, and I hope you have a nice quiet spot in the NAN to hole up in for the next couple of decades.


Anonymous said...

lol. I know something you don't know . . .

Anonymous said...

Do tell, flux neo. I'm fairly curious as to what went down- but not quite interested enough to hack their system for what'll probably be public knowledge on shadowland, and is most likely a symptom of "the triumvirate are at it again." Curiosity killed the cybercat, you know. Well, that and a really wiz MIJI jammer.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why the H M V V Sasquatch lost her job working for Velvet Leopard?

Because that cat banned her snatch!

Anonymous said...

" I'm getting all kinds of rumors about this, from the Yamanas and the Nakatomis gearing up for a hostile takeover of Fuchi Americas, to Samantha Villiers accidently fragging of a local dragon somehow."

How do you accidentally frag a dragon. And why would that cause problems? Jealousy?

Anonymous said...

I know what you're all thinking. It wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how one accidentally frags a dragon, but if it's doable, Samantha's your girl. More importantly, I haven't heard anything about a theft to accompany the explosives; If the sole motivation behind this was an assassination, this might be signalling the start of some larger scale hositlities. I just hope the corporate court can keep things from getting too out of hand; a little conflict is good for biz, but too much and even those in the shadows are going to be hurting from it.

Anonymous said...

I was holding off seeing if I could actually get more dirt, but alas I could not.

What I do know is that very soon after the explosion a DocWagon VIP rapid reaction team was dispatched to Trine Matrixware. They picked up two patients and four passengers in a medevac helcopter that was escorted by two thinly disguised attack helecopters. These six passengers were evacuated to DocWagon's VIP trauma unit at Paine Field in Everett. Four hours later a private medical jet marked FVT-4591 took off from Paine Field and eight hours later a private medical jet marked FVT-4591 landed at Fuchi's corporate headquarters in Japan. It was met by two ambulances, one of which proceeded to Fuchi's on-site research hospital the other of which went, after many twists and turns, to the Imperial Japanese Military Morgue in Kyoto.

Anonymous said...

So the Sammantha Villiers thing was just a cover for the removal of some interesting corpses?

Interesting. Move the big lady into protected custody and call the Trine attack a botched assassination. Then the Trine corpses are removed (I wonder if they're even corpses?) while everyone's staring at the Fuchi Compound and worrying about Miles Lanier being in town.

Of course, if they were flown to Japan, that would mean the Nakatomis or Yamanas were behind things, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

My investigations show that Trine was being investigated by Samantha's people, seems they had been filing a bunch of false reports. Maybe the Nakatomis and Yamanas blew up Trine and made an attempt on Sam Villiers in order to cover the removal of those "casualties". A close enough call on Samantha and the Villiers faction secrurity would be too worried about keeping the boss-lady safe to be really watching what got pulled out of the Trine rubble. The explosion would also destroy any evidence. Anyone got the skinny on exactly what Trine was working on?

Anonymous said...

50 nuyen says that's why Lanier's in town, to find out exactly what was going on at Trine. And probably to plug any hole that would let someone get a shot at Sam Villiers. I would not run on Fuchi Seattle for a while if I were you, folks. Lanier was USMC, and was on the fast track to becoming a general when he went corporate. The military tried to coax him back a few times. In '49, General Laubenstein told president Adams that Lanier was "the greatest tactical mind of the century" and compared him favorably to Julius Caesar. What the military and Fuchi have actually released of his records would seem to back that up.

Anonymous said...

Trine had a dragon.

Not just any dragon, a matrix running dragon with a datajack and a deck and everything. He was a decker-dragon. He decked in the matrix. I am sure that's what the Japanese have. It's a decker-dragon. With a cyberdeck and everything. He spoke to me once. He was young in our ways. Such an interesting.

Anonymous said...

You's all don't see what's goin on here do ya? Them squinty-eyed Jap Nakatomis and Yamanas don't like havin not-so-squinty eyed people ownin their company. Somethin goes boom while Ms. Villers is hangin wid a bunch of corp peons. She's 'injured' in the explosion and whisked off to Jap-town for 'treatment.'

She's been kidnaped, yo. Soon 'nuf Fuchi's gonna make some grand announcement about her 'recoverin' in Japan, under da thumb of those backstabbin yella gooks. If'n I were Lanier I'd be hittin' the matresses, cause I becha he's goin down next.

Anonymous said...

Villiers was at the FIE compound, you degenerate wop, she wasn't even at Trine. The explosion and the herding of the director into a secure area was due to an attack on her person (at the compound) coinciding with the explosion at Trine. By the Ghost, Shadowland is losing its standards. Letting a bunch of macaroni eating greaseballs in can only be a sign of the apocalypse.

Anonymous said...

"...either the Trine explosion was meant for her..."

First rule of blowing people up:
Don't blow yourself up.

Second rule of blowing people up:
Your bomb must explode near your target.

I mean for drek's sake. Assuming someone is going after Sam Villiers, they're either total goddamn amateurs, or the bomb was NOT intended for her. If they're just amateurs, we'll all see them dead on the news a few days after Lanier arrives, but my money says we don't.

I'm not ready to buy into Pete's Dragon just yet, but this smells like something trickier than just a botched assasination.