Friday, April 07, 2006

Things are getting crazy out in DeeCee. With the impeachment proceedings complete and the new election scheduled, looks like all the psychos are climbing out of the woodwork. So far the Republicans are the only major party to officially reveal their candidate, but a whole score of minor parties and policlubs are pushing their own people for the UCAS' top spot.

The scorecard so far:
The Big Three Corporate Stooges:
Republican: General Franklin "One Nation Under God" Yeats.
Democrat: Running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Technocrat: Insider info says they're actually thinking of running VP James Booth on the "I had no idea" platform.

The Crazy People:
Archconservative: So far they've hinted at nominating Seattle's own Kenneth Brackhaven of Brackhaven investments.
Libertarian: As usual, still arguing and threatening to kill each other.
The O.R.C.: has declared that it would back Senator Peter Miller (D-Mass) if he'll accept the nomination.
The New Century Party: A bunch of Technocrats that jumped ship after the impeachment proceedings has hooked up with a bunch of university hermetics to form this group of loonies. They're talking about nominating Dr. Rosalyn Hernandez from Georgetown University.

Anyway, I'll open it up to the forums. If anyone knows of any shadowbiz running around, feel free to post it.

CC out.


Anonymous said...

Peter Miller is nothing but a trumped up trog. You ask me, Miller, Penchyk, Althuser, and all the rest of the token trogs in DeeCee are just their to appease the public conscience. No orc or troll has ever had the brains to manage a Stuffershack let alone a seat in Congress. The presidency? Don't make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Humanis pig. It saddens me that our line of work is filled with horrid street scum like yourself. You and and your hooded friends are the afterbirth of the twenty-first century.

Anonymous said...

Democracy in action. Isn't it beautiful? I am going to make a bold prediction and state that whomever you all elect he or she will turn out to be the worst possible pick. At least here in Aztlan our murdering scumbag leaders are upfront about how awful they are.

Anonymous said...

That's as may be, but you're forgetting the implication that you overproud azzie berks like your generalissimos that way. If the prez is gonna be a corrupt slitch, I'd prefer that he have to expend as many resources as possible in giving us the laugh. It won't keep him honest, but it'll stop anything too blatant.

Anonymous said...

You think that Yeats and Brackhaven are crazy choices? I've been hearing rumors that the Democrats are looking at someone even crazier. Anyone remember that eco-lawyer dwarf that won the multi-million dollar settlement against Hawkshorne Chemical? Apparently, he's being courted by some very prominent Democrats.

Think of it; an eco-lawyer metahuman who is known for slotting off the corps. Any bets on how long until an "unfortunate accident" befalls him?

Anonymous said...

Why do you think that Yeats is such a crazy choice? This country has suffered under enough ineffective politicians. What we need is someone who can actually get something done.

Anonymous said...

Is there ever really a good choice? It seems like it always come down to who is less corrupt than who, or which person's fragged up prejudices are closest to your own. Doesn't really seem to matter in the end.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I missed the part where this makes a difference to us SINless. How does it matter what fucker is making the laws when you're not going to obey them anyway?

Anonymous said...

It matters because the laws affect us, regardless of whether we obey them. Does it matter to you whether Fuchi can legally gun you down in the street? Does it matter if specific types of cyberware become illegal, and therefore pricier and harder to get? Does it matter if the penalty for having an illegal Ares Predator is a mandatory twenty-year sentence? Sorry, but laws affect everyone, regardless of whether you want them to or not.

Anonymous said...

Just so long as whichever suit gets in takes care of chi-town before MCT figures out how to put a bug in their zero zones I'll be happy; I've heard some buzz they've put some wiz talent on task. Oh, Arx... I've got an idea for your problem at hand- drop me a line, it's time to go fishing.

Anonymous said...

Alright, Wagon, point taken. Laws can affect us. Still, what are you going to do about it?

Anonymous said...

Enough of this DC politico crap... I have a nugget you all might be more interested in. You all caught footage of the PacStar break-in on the trid, right? Well word is a matrix break-in preceded the meat assault. Well, any hacker worth his deck that could get in and disable security for the meat force that did the vandalism and painted the boxes wouldn't've missed something as easy as disabling the fire and perimeter alarms.

So, was it that the PacStar Decker chased him off before the security could be disabled? I doubt it. Sources have it that the PacStar plant's security Decker - Alan Rand - was dumped before anything went down (that's why the jammed alarms weren't shut off for so long... Alan wasn't ready to get back in after getting that shock)!

So, was this a gang initiation - we'll get you in, but you gotta get out? Or a shot across the bow of PacStar's Parent Corp, Yamatetsu? Well, anyone heard anything?

Anonymous said...

He he he. Way I heard it, those hotshot deckers fragged poor Mr. Rand pretty good--he's going to need to get that college education all over again--but they weren't counting on some dreck hot black IC that Yamatetsu had sitting deep inside PacStars server. Scared the drek out of the hackers so bad they bailed ASAP and left their meat buddies high and dry.

At least, that's the way I heard it.

Anonymous said...

I bet it was bug spirits!

Anonymous said...

Otaku Bug Spirits! With big, nasty fangs!


Anonymous said...

Karamov always thinks it was bug spirits. Time to take this convo to peachtree, I'm thinking.

Anonymous said...

I work for PacStar, so I am really getting a kick out of some of these replies.

Some of you chummers act like you know what you are talking about, but trust me, you don't.

'Cause some chummers will believe anything they read.

Anonymous said...

There's a few rumblings from down in Tacoma that one of the yak's up and comers were responsible for the break in; Word is, he was trying to run a protection racket and was unaware of yamatetsu's ownership of Pacstar. After he tried to make an example of them, one of the local oyubans found out of the connection to the mega; I would say that the young man responsible for the break in can measure his life in hours, if he's not dead already. The yaks know which side their bread is buttered on.

Anonymous said...

The penalties for fraggin a mission for the Yaks can be pretty harsh, but in this case it's nothing more than whatever drekheads were runnin on pacstar deserve. That place is one of the few around that offer some decent wages to trolls and orcs.

Anonymous said...

Heh, anywhere that keeps the big guys fat, happy, and docile is fine by me. Enouigh money to buy booze and nothing better to do with it. Helluvalot better than running around in gangs giving decent criminals a bad name.

Anonymous said...

So a gang is worse than a runner group why? Cause they're banded together by something more than money? When the drek hits the fan I'd rather have a fellow ganger that considers himself my brother or feels a sense of loyalty to the community at my back any day than someone who'd put a knife in it for the right price.

Anonymous said...

Listen, Chummer, the difference between runners and gangers isn't loyalty, it's intelligence. I'd rather be working with a professional than a retarded trog who's idea of fun is setting pedestrians on fire.

Street gangs are a short path to a shallow grave, bud. Find a syndicate, if you've got half a brain.

Anonymous said...

Figures that a piece of drek like you who thinks that all gangs are the same would be afraid to post with a name. Listen "chummer" I don't know what rock you've been livin under and I don't want to, fact is there's lots of people and entire neighborhoods out there that'd already be in those fraggin shallow graves if it wasn't for gangers like me and my chums. Banding together is often the only way to survive in this world of ours. Next time maybe you should learn a bit about the real world before you go spoutin drek like that. And by the way, I got friends who know how to trace a poster even if they are scared drekless of leavin a name, so watch yer six.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't fear, chummer. Just laziness. Feel free to look me up if you ever drag your trogg ass out of the barrens. Name's Broadside.